The Wirecutter on 3-2-1 Backups
3-2-1 is the watchword for how to do backups.
- 3 copies
- On at least 2 different media
- With 1 offsite.
I have written about this a lot, as I consider it the most basic of security basics. If your data is backed up offsite, ransomware can't get to it, fire and flood can't get to it. Now The Wirecutter has thrown its backup hat into the ring. They might have a few (million) more readers than I do, so I will go ahead and link to them.
I am not a huge fan of their cloud pick, Backblaze. I have tried it and found it to be unacceptably slow. But it's probably the easiest to use for the non-technical user, so my disagreement is little more than a quibble.
I am currently backing up with Duplicati and then syncing my backups to pCloud. Duplicati is awesome but I can tell you: when it comes to ease of use, it's no Backblaze! If you just read that and felt like you were going to enjoy that challenge, I say, go for it.
pCloud is just as easy to use as Backblaze, but it does not offer anything like as much functionality as Backblaze. But it's comparable in price, and if you can handle Duplicati, pCloud won't even make you break a sweat.
Anyway, here's the TL;DR: Make. Your. Damn. Backups!