What's Missing?

What's missing from this pretty-good article?  Give it a read, but the TL;DR is that a NY Times cyber-security writer tells us what she does to make herself safer online. It includes everything I do, and a few things I don't.  But there's one crucial item missing. Ad-Blocking.  

It's not hard to figure out why ad-blocking is left out of a NY Times online article.  But I will say that until the publications who pay for it exert some pressure on the ad networks to clean up their act, I will continue to block ads 100%. If they refuse to let me visit, I will gladly go elsewhere. I predict that the publications will never do this, because the cost of ad-borne malware is a complete externality to them.  They never feel the tiniest pinch.  They leave that to us.

This article was updated on 2023-05-13 06:55:59


Infosec geekosaurus.  All opinions my own.

Information security since 2005.  IT... well into my second millenium.